
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Ways To Get More Traffic

Ways To Get More Traffic

Get More Blog TrafficFirst, you need traffic. Without traffic, you can’t build a community. The only way to build a community is by convertinh generic visitors into subscribers. Subscribers who cherish your content, join your email list and all of the other stuff. You could start by doing the SEO thing as honestly, SEO is the fastest way to get CONSISTENT traffic if done correctly.
However the way to blogging success is community building. So there are two sources of traffic that are easily converted into community: guest blogging & blog commenting.
Not what you thought? Think about it for a second, it’s quite obvious…
If someone asked me what the best way to build a community is, I would say “steal from other communities”.
…And that’s exactly what you can do through guest blogging and blog commenting. Plus it’s totally ethical, it’s not really stealing. You essentially steal from other established communities. As you have two options; build a community from scratch i.e. generic traffic or steal from other communities. The fastest and most effective strategy is option 2.
With guest blogging, you write and publish blog posts on other people’s blogs. Other people’s blogs who have established communities and LOTS of traffic. So when one of your guest posts goes live, their communities rush over and read it. If it’s a good guest post; many of their community “members” will scuttle over to your blog, read some stuff and become your loyal subscribers for years.
Then there’s blog commenting which is completely different, but the same concept applies. You just have to comment on other blog posts of the successful blogs in your niche. Again, you’re stealing their community. Real loyal blog followers always read the comments, engage in the community by replying and sharing content.
So if you post super meaningful blog comments on the top 10-20 blogs in your niche every time they publish a post you can steal some of their readers. Their readers will see your insightful comment, click through to your blog and subscribe.
If you post twice a week on blogs that have just 5000 subscribers, you could receive a good 1000+ visitors a week. If the subscribers are active, maybe 2-3000 of each group of 5000 will read your posts. Then maybe a total of 1000 people will read your posts and click through to your blog. At that rate; you can expect enough traffic to build a solid community in a few months.
As for blog commenting, I would setup an RSS alert so when the top 10-20 blogs in your niche publish posts, you’ll be the first to know about them… And when you do get the alerts, rush over to the posts, read them through and comment!

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